CBID is the Chuck Berry International Directory, a 2.200 page pile of Chuck Berry records information published in four volumes between 2008 and 2013. For details
see the bibliography section of this site.CBID is never complete as new records and CDs appear and some old rarities are discovered. This section presents interesting additions and corrections to CBID.
Today: Here’s another 45 from South Africa which wasn't known when Volume 1 got out.
SOUTH AFRICA (pages 445-446, 2018-2019)
You Never Can Tell / Brenda Lee
Teal TS-46 ? 1964
The three other light green Teal singles we know have the prefix TSP, don’t know why this one only has TS. Now it seems like we at least miss 'Promised Land' which I am sure was also released in South Africa. Remember that they coupled 'Nadine' and 'No Particular Place To Go' on the same 45, TSP-41 (page 446).