The Chuck Berry Database
Index to musicians who recorded with Chuck Berry

The Chuck Berry Database contains the most accurate and up to date information about the recordings of Chuck Berry.

Fred Rothwell: Long Distance Information Morten Reff: Chuck Berry International Directory Vol. 1 The database is an international joint work by Fred Rothwell, England, author of "Long Distance information - Chuck Berry's Recorded Legacy", Morten Reff, Norway, author of "The Chuck Berry International Directory", and Dietmar Rudolph, Germany, author of "A Collector's Guide to the Music of Chuck Berry" featuring collaboration from Thierry Chanu (†), Arne Wolfswinkel, and Claude Schlouch with help from record collectors world-wide.

Using this database you can find out which songs Chuck Berry recorded during his musical career, when he recorded the often multiple versions of a song, and who helped recording it.

All Songs — All Sessions — All Musicians

Musicians who recorded with Chuck Berry


All musicians who recorded with Chuck Berry:

Al Aarons

Dan Ackroyd (Elwood Blues)

Willy Albimoor (Willy Noël De Moor)

Joe Alexander

Chip Anderson

Carmine Appice

Bill Armstrong

Jerry "Satch" Arnold

Rei Atsumi

George Auld

Jeffrey Baldori

Robert "Bob" Baldori

Chuck Barksdale

Gary Barone

Wilbur Bascomb

Fred Below

William "Benny" Benjamin (Papa Zita)

Charles Jr. "Butch" Berry

Charles III Berry

Berry Gordy All Stars

Ingrid G. Berry

Martha Berry

Melvin Billups

Billy Ciofe Band

Roy Bittan

William "Bill" Bixner

Jules Blattner

Mike Bloomfield

Steve Bloomfield

Mike Boocock

Thomas "Beans" Bowles

Reggie Boyd

Stan Bronstein

Anthony Brown

Ray Bryant

Tommy Bryant

Jacko Buddin

Wild Bob Burgos

Kenny Burrell

Bob Bushnell

Paul Butterfield

Kenneth Buttrey

Jimmy Campbell

Rick Carrell

Johnny Carson

Neil Carter

Howie Casey

Louis Cennamo

Bill Champlin

Phil Chen

Leonard Chess

Mike Chicowitz

Eric Clapton

Dick Clark

Gary Jr. Clark

Henry "Chuck" Clay

Buck Clayton

Clarence Clemons

Terry Clemson

Tommie Cogbill

Walter "Champion" Cole

Buddy Collette

Willis Conover

James "Curly" Cooke

Halveen "Kermit" Cooley

Rubin Cooper

Henry "Hank" Cosby

Pete Cosey

Bob Costas

Robert Cray

Steve Cropper

Gary Crow

Barry Curtis

Francis Darizcuren

John Davidson

Leroy C. Davis

Roquel "Billy" Davis

Tim Davis

Bo Diddley

Willie Dixon

Debra Dobkin

Willy Donni

Mike Douglas

Steve Douglas

David Dover

Billy "Dino" Downing

Frank Dunbar

Sly Dunbar

Donald "Duck" Dunn

Roger Eagle

John Earl

Terry Earl

Esmond Edwards

Jock Ellis

Bobby Emmons

Carey Enlow

Melissa Etheridge

Roger Fairhurst

Danny Federici

Martin Fierro

Mick Fleetwood

Sandy Ford

Kim Fowley

David "Panama" Francis

John Frankland

Richard "Rick" Frank

Alan Freed

George French

Forrest Frierson

Harvey Fuqua

Wayne "Tex" Gabriel

Marvin Gaye

Paul Gayten

Barry Gibb

Maurice Gibb

Robin Gibb

Arnie Ginsburg

Steve Goddard

Freddie Golden

Bill Graham

Rick Grech

Jerome Green

Rick Green

Paul Griffin

Derek Griffiths

Carmine Grillo

Dale Grischer

Jack "Zocko" Groendal

Bill Hamilton

John Paul Hammond

Hunter Hancock

Ebbie Hardy

Herbert "Herbie" Harris

Dave Harrison

Harvey & The Moonglows

John Hawken

Ernest W. "Ernie" Hayes

Rick Heck

Haywood Henry

Peter John "Pete" Hogman

Graham Hollingworth

James Horn

Joe Hunter

Eddie Hunton

Adam Ippolito

Herman Jackson

John Jackson

James Jamerson

Etta James

Jesse James Johnson

Jimmy Jr. Johnson

Booker T. Jones

Casey Jones

E. Rodney Jones

Howard Jones

Jo Jones

Kenny Jones

Steve Jordan

Dave Kafinetti

Harvey Kagan

Tom Katica

Brian David "Chick" Kattenhorn

Gibson Kemp

Phil Kenzie

Bobby Keys

Billy Kinsley

Geoff Krivit

Klaus Kuhnke

Jim Ladd

Ronnie Lane

Lafayette Leake

Chuck Leavell

Hughie Leggat

John Lennon

Julian Lennon

Willy Lewis (William Taïeb)

Chester Lindsay

Abe Locke

John Lodge

Nils Lofgren

Robert Lohr

Andrew Love

Rusty Lupton

Jeremy Lutito

Tim McIntire

Quincy Macon

Tsutomu Maki

Ron Marinelli

James "Jimmy" Marsala

Brian Matthew

John Mayall

Robbie McIntosh

Owen McIntyre

Ian McLagen

Wolfgang Melz

Don Menza

Bill "Bee" Metros

Augie Meyer

Gene "Bowlegs" Miller

Steve Miller

Eddy Mitchell

James Mitchell

Mitch Mitchell

Tom Morello

Francisco "Frank" Morin

Rick Morrow

Matthew "Matt Guitar" Murphy

Shigeru Narumo

Chuck Negron

Ira Newborn

The New Respects

Joe Niagara

James Nolan

Northwest Allstars

Pim Oets

Yoko Ono

Willie Orneals

Nigel "Niggsy" Owen

George "Jumpin'" Oxford

Barbara Paige

Reese Palmer

Thomas "Tiaz" Palmer

George Patterson

Ricky Paul

Odie Payne

Billy Peek

Richard Penniman (Little Richard)

Jim Peterman

Vincent Pitts

Fred Poke

Don Poncher

Nic Potter

Dave Prince

Pete Pritchard

George Rains

Paul Rakotonirana

Elliot Randall

Shabba Ranks (Rexton Rawlston Fernando Gordon)

Nathaniel Rateliff

Keith Richards

Johnny Rivers

Bryce Roberson

Edell "Red" Robertson

Robbie Robertson

Keith Robinson

Ed Rogers (Roger Vanhaverbeke)

Jimmy Rogers

Linda Ronstadt

Jerry Rubin

George Rudiger

Walter Ben Ruffin

Dave Russell

Elman "Rudy" Rutherford

Doug Sahm

Rudy Sarzo

Louis Satterfield

Peter Schulze

Bob Scriven

Albert "Big Al" Sears

Robin Seymour

Ginji Shiokawa

Aniijia Shockley

Chester Simmons

Brian Smith

William Smith

Mick Snow

Linda Solomon

Joey Spampinato

Otis Spann

Bruce Springsteen

Hubert Sumlin

Garry Tallent

George "Buddy" Tate

Danny Taylor

Sam "The Man" Taylor

Ted "Kingsize" Taylor

Jack Teagarden

The Ecuadors

Jasper Thomas

Philip "Phil" Thomas

Bobby Thompson

Sonny Thompson

Lee Thornberg

David Torretta

Llyod Trotman

Lonnie Turner

Tina Turner

Phil Upchurch

Gary van Scyoc

Steven Van Zandt

Jimmy Walls

Joe Walsh

Les Warren

Eugene Washington

Oscar Washington (Faith Douglas)

Max Weinberg

Maurice White

Earl C. Williams

Paul Williams

Lloyd "Gitsy" Willis

Carl Wilson

Dave Wood

Ron Wood

Bob Wray

Reggie Young

Jimmy Zavala

Richie Zito


Autographed Chuck Berry Record Rock Rock Rock Soundtrack This page was generated automatically from the Chuck Berry database at on 11.02.2025.

As said, the Chuck Berry Database contains what is to our knowledge the most accurate and up to date information about the recordings of Chuck Berry. If you know better, don't hesitate to educate us. Send an email along with reliable data (contracts, photos, reports) to

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   Information about Chuck Berry recording sessions provided by
   The Chuck Berry Database at
   © 2025 by Dietmar Rudolph, Fred Rothwell, Morten Reff

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