Tuesday, January 31. 2023Lonely School Days - the variants explained![]()
Several Chuck Berry songs have been recorded multiple times - not only live, but also in the studio.
Sometimes a second recording was made for commercial reasons, e.g. when a new record company tried to generate additional income from old songs. A typical example is Roll Over Beethoven, initially recorded in 1956 in Chicago for Chess Records, re-recorded 1966 in Clayton for Mercury Records. Sometimes a second recording was made for artistic reasons when Berry tried to make a song sound better or at least different. See for instance Havana Moon, initially recorded in 1956, then in 1979, and finally in the late 1990s. In addition, songs evolve over time during the recording process itself until a final version pleases both artist and company. See for instance the song recorded as 21 (Twenty-One) of which some studio tapes survived. There are fairly different variants until a final result was reached and published under the title Vacation Time. Lonely School Days is another song which evolved over time. One surviving variant has been recorded in late 1964 and released on the back of Chess single 1926, Dear Dad, published in March 1965. This variant is a slow, emotional song. It can be easily identified by the prominent use of a sax, probably played by Bill Hamilton. This variant is almost three minutes long and commonly referred to as the "Slow Version". ![]() B side of CHESS single 1926 (DJ Copy) Somebody really liked this song. Just one and a half years later it made it again to the song list of a recording session. In the spring of 1966, a second variant of Lonely School Days was cut. This time it had no sax, but more guitars. Most importantly it was much more rocking, played much faster. Singing the same song at much higher speed reduces the run length to a little over 2:30 minutes. Surprisingly, this "Fast Version" immediately was used again as the B side of a Chess single. Chess 1963 having Ramona, Say Yes on the plug side was released in June 1966. So we have two Chess singles, released not far apart, having the same song in two different versions. ![]() B side of CHESS single 1963 (DJ Copy) Soon after the release of the second single, Chuck Berry left Chess Records to work for Mercury. The "Slow Version" never made it to a contemporary album. Only in the late eighties and nineties it was found on some rare LP albums. However, the "Fast Version" was included on an official Chess album: San Francisco Dues (Chess 50008) was published in 1971, five years after the song's initial release. Berry had returned to Chess and to fill his second new album a few recordings were added which had not made it to LPs before. Interestingly the LP contained a Stereo mix of the "Fast Version" while both singles had been in Mono - as were all Chess singles in the 1960s. ![]() This is the track listing from the back of San Francisco Dues (Chess 50008) containing the Stereo mix of the shorter, fast version. Remember: San Francisco Dues contained the Stereo mix of the "Fast Version". Simple, isn't it? However, who listens to Vinyl albums any more? If you listen to San Francisco Dues from one of the streaming services, Lonely School Days isn't fast at all. Spotify, Apple Music, YouTube all play the "Slow Version" as part of San Francisco Dues. Due to this a reader recently emailed and wanted us to correct our database of all Chuck Berry recordings. We are happy for every hint or correction, but here we refused to do any changes, as our listing is correct! How can it happen that online services play the wrong song - all of them alike? This is due to how they get their playing lists. Record labels such as Universal provide the streaming platforms with the files to play. If the record company is in error, so are all their customers. We assume that this specific error was introduced as early as 2013. That year Universal in the U.S. published a CD re-release of San Francisco Dues (Geffen GET-54058-CD). And on this re-release they included the wrong variant of Lonely School Days. Morten Reff noticed this and complained about it in his review on this blog soon thereafter. It was not the only thing to complain about: Over and over on label, box, and booklet the company managed to spell "San Fransisco" with an s! One really has to wonder about quality control at Universal. ![]() This is the track listing from the back of Geffen's CD re-issue of San Francisco Dues (Geffen GET-54058-CD) containing the wrong version. Note the mis-spelling of San Francisco and the missing run lengths. Universal in Japan did a much better job with their re-release of San Francisco Dues (Geffen UICY-94635). They not only included the correct "Fast Version" where it belonged, they also added three bonus tracks: the "Slow Version" in Mono and two different mixes of Ramona, Say Yes. Moral of the story: In today's digital world errors reproduce fast and are hard to correct. Always double-check with a reliable source. Many thanks to reader Andy for pointing us to the error in the streaming services - though not for complaining about our database ![]() [Addition by reader Andy: "I should mention that my initial email was actually a failed attempt at correction rather than a complaint. Why would I ever complain about so meticulous and thorough a database regarding one of my favorite artists? Keep up the good work."] Sunday, January 29. 2023An Interview with Johnnie Johnson - 1987![]()
On July 5th, 1987 Chuck Berry performed in BĂ„stad, Sweden.
This site's contributor Morten Reff and the Berry fans Johan Hasselberg and Thomas Einarsson had the opportunity to talk to Johnnie Johnson, long-time partner and pianist for Chuck Berry. Thanks to Morten and Johan we can reprint the questions and answers. ![]() Left to right: Morten Reff, Johnnie Johnson, Thomas Einarsson, Johan Hasselberg, and Herman Jackson at the Park Hotel in BÄstad, Sweden, July 5, 1987. Herman was Chuck Berry's drummer during the summer 1987 tour. Thomas had done a painting by Chuck Berry that he handed over to Johnnie Johnson. Photo: Carl Hasselberg The interview is made over a cup of coffee at the hotel's outdoor seating. Johnnie takes a big chunk of coffee and starts telling about himself: I was born in West Virginia on July 8, 1924. When I went to school I played piano, drums, and bass. But piano was my main instrument. I was in a High School band until 1943, when I started my military service at the navy. When I pulled out in 1946, I started my first own band. In 1949 I moved to Chicago, and then on to St. Louis. DID YOU PLAY MOSTLY RHYTHM & BLUES? Well, most of the time there were nothing but standard songs, such as "Stardust", "Body and Soul", Sunny Side of the Street", or whatever. It was before this rhythm & blues breakthrough. WHAT PIANISTS DID YOU LISTEN TO AT THIS TIME? I'm a Oscar Peterson-fantast. Yeah! Oscar Peterson, Errol Garner, and Pete Johnson. Pete Johnson was my first favorite. It was late 1930's and 1940's. I used to play a Pete Johnson song, called "627 Stomp". That was my signature then. HOW DID YOU TO GET IN CONTACT WITH CHUCK BERRY? I heard him at a club in East St. Louis called Hoff's Garden. I liked the way he played the guitar. One evening when I was playing, my saxophonist became ill. I called Chuck and asked if he could have the possibility to play the guitar. And he said, "sure, I can play". He came home to me and we played through the songs and then we drove to the show. ![]() Chuck Berry in concert, Norrvikens TrÀdgÄrdar, BÄstad, Sweden, July 5, 1987 Photo: Johan Hasselberg WHO PLAYED THE SAXOPHONE IN THE JOHNNIE JOHNSON TRIO? His name was Alvin Bennett. But it was only until 1954. Now he is paralyzed. He can't even... yes, you know. WAS IT A BASS PLAYER IN THE BAND? No, it was drums, piano, and saxophone, and then guitar when Chuck came along. We played most at Club Cosmopolitan in East St. Louis. Ebbie Hardy, who played drums, suffered a heart attack and died a few years ago (1983). CHANGED THE BAND NAME WHEN CHUCK CAME? No, it was still called The Johnnie Johnson Trio. It was only when Chuck went to Chicago and met Leonard Chess we renamed the band. We recorded the single "Maybellene" and Chuck said, "Johnnie, is it okay that I call it The Chuck Berry Combo?". I said, "Of course, you paid the gas to Chicago", and then it became The Chuck Berry Combo. ![]() Left to right: Chuck Berry, George French, Johnnie Johnson in concert, Norrvikens TrÀdgÄrdar, BÄstad, Sweden, July 5, 1987 Photo: Bo Berglind YOU PLAY A MELODY ON THE PIANO ON MANY OF CHUCK BERRY'S SONGS. That's what Chuck Berry wanted me to play. I play as I feel so everything rolls smoothly, just like ice cream on a cream cake! IT WORKS AS A SOLO INSTRUMENT. That's right and that's what Chuck Berry likes with my pianoplaying. That's why he doesn't like someone else's pianoplaying than mine! Let me give a good example. Chuck and I have recorded some songs that have not been released. For example, Frog's "Good Times Boogie" and "Honky Tonk Train". It was in the 1950's. It was my music style, but Chuck and I could play together and it sounded like Chuck Berry's music. Chuck is still playing some jazz, as for example, "Jazz at the Philharmonic". He plays all kinds of music! DO YOU STILL PLAY IN THE CLUBS IN ST. LOUIS? Yes, three nights a week. DO YOU PLAY ALONE OR DO YOU HAVE A BAND? I have a band called Johnnie Johnson & The Magnificent Four, and when Chuck comes to town he plays with us. WHAT REPERTOIRE DO YOU HAVE? There are blues, jazz, rhythm & blues, and usually rock when Chuck visit us. DO YOU EVEN SING? No, no, I can always talk, but do not sing! YOU HAVE BEEN AWARDED A DISTINCTION AT ROCK & ROLL HALL OF FAME. Yes, I was chosen as the fourth biggest rock'n'roll pianist throughout the ages. It was Fats Domino, Little Richard, Jerry Lee Lewis, and myself. I didn't know about it, but they sent me a magazine afterwards. THANK YOU, JOHNNIE !! Thank you, I hope to see you again! And, Johan tells, they met again: "Johnnie gave me his address and two years later I greeted him in St. Louis, and listened to Johnnie Johnson & The Magnificent Four." Many thanks to Morten and Johan for sharing these memories with us! Thursday, January 12. 2023Chuck Berry: An American Life - by RJ Smith![]()
Thereâs a new book out about Chuck Berry. Hachette Books was so kind to send me a review copy and I spent much time of my holidays to read through it. But with every chapter read I became more and more frustrated and angry. Until I came to RJ Smithâs remarks on the next to last page:
âWhat we have is more interesting. A choice of threading through the details of his life or working around them completely â your call! - and simply hearing him. To pull the joy and poetry out of the music he created and have it take us where it wants to go â not where he went. To live our lives with it, and not live his life. Thatâs a lot.â As the creators of this website we have made our choice a long time ago. These pages here are about the music of Chuck Berry and only about his music. We do not discuss any other aspects of Berryâs life in this blog or on the main page. For us there were at least two very good reasons for this decision. For one, we are deeply convinced that Berryâs music is much more entertaining than his criminal, sexual and business affairs. And secondly we think that with recordings and records we have at least a small factual base to build our research upon. RJ Smith in his new âChuck Berry: An American Lifeâ decided to concentrate on all the other stuff instead. Chuck Berry was a control freak, a sex maniac and business-wise everything but a nice person. His criminal records included armed robbery, tax evasion, and what we would call today child abuse, plus many more. All this is no new news. We have read about these in newspapers and books as well as all over the Internet. RJ Smith quotes Berry saying he wants the people to tell the truth about him. But there are many truths. There is the truth about a strange man with a weird character and perverse habits. But there also is the truth about the musical artist whose output had a huge impact on what became popular music during the last 70 years. It might have been interesting to discuss Berryâs personality from a psychological perspective. Or it might have been interesting to analyze how this pathological mindset affected Berryâs music or lyrics. None of this you will find in this book, though. Instead RJ Smith has taken a huge effort to document Berryâs failings. Most has been known before and is documented in detail e.g. in Bruce Peggâs excellent biography. Smith dug even deeper into court documents and he tried to get quotes from witnesses not published before. However, most of the contents is a simple repetition from old sources such as Berryâs own autobiography â even repeating errors included. Where Smithâs book enhances the previously published biographies is the coverage of Berryâs last years. Thatâs the advantage of a biographer who waits until his subject has deceased. So here we get a few additional pages about his latest tours, the release of his last record, and we learn how his family declared Berry incompetent. Smith in many aspects tries to write a different biography and succeeds in doing so. He completely concentrates on Berryâs personal and business matters, almost ignoring his musical work. Only for one song Smith reserves a complete chapter: My Ding-A-Ling. And again the author accomplishes something different as this song was left out of any serious discussion about Berryâs Ćuvre so far. One peculiarity of this text is a bit confusing for European readers: All over the book RJ Smith tries to find arguments to justify Berryâs behavior as a result of black versus white America. As being no part of the American society, we are not qualified to judge on RJâs findings. From a musical point-of-view I think it is a bit far fetched to locate racially related hints in the lyrics of e.g. Promised Land. Is this a book you want to read? If you love Chuck Berry, donât do it. If you are interested in Chuck Berryâs music, thereâs nothing to gain from reading it. But if you want to learn about Berryâs porn collection or any other aspect of his life, thereâs almost too much information in âChuck Berry: An American Lifeâ. But in the end it definitely is âyour callâ: a choice of threading through the details of his life or working around them completely. âChuck Berry: An American Lifeâ by RJ Smith (Hachette Books, ISBN 978-0-306-92163-6) is available in every better book store near you. ![]()
Posted by Dietmar Rudolph
in Chuck Berry Rarities
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Wednesday, January 11. 2023CBID - And they play Chuck Berry music - part 8![]()
CBID is the Chuck Berry International Directory, a 2.200 page pile of Chuck Berry records information published in four volumes between 2008 and 2013. For details see the bibliography section of this site.
CBID is never complete as new records and CDs appear and some old rarities are discovered. This section presents interesting additions and corrections to CBID. Today: The more you browse the Internet, the more cover versions you find. Here's another list of artists and band playing Chuck Berry's music. This time all new entries start with the letter M [continued] MADHOUSE (Sweden) Early â80s rock band produced by a.o. Dr. John and Willy DeVille. Members: Anders Kraft, Bengt Kirschon, Björn Gideonsson, Christian Falk and Gabbe Gabrielsson. Nadine (4:10) 1982 12â EP: Private Hell 36 [Sound Of Scandinavia SOSM-1136] â Sweden, 1982 MARCE & CHEMA (Spain) Latino pop duo with a little rock in them. They usually sing in Spanish but I havenât heard the Berry medley so I canât verify. Rockmania medley: Johnny B. Goode / Carol / Memphis, Tennessee / Nadine / Roll Over Beethoven / Rock And Roll Music (8:30) 1979 LP: Ganador [Reflejo 10C 062-062.888] â Spain, 1979 (promo) LASSE MĂ RTENSON (Finland) Lars Anders Fredrik MĂ„rtenson, popsinger, songwriter, musician and actor, born 1934 in Helsinki. His first single came out in 1962, and many more followed. Several albums since 1966. He died in 2016. Memphis, Tennessee [as âSaanko Turkuun, Naapuriinâ] ( : ) 1966 LP: Lasse [RCA Victor LPM-10071] â Finland, 1966 MARTĂ & THE JUDAS (Italy) Giancarlo Martelli, pop/rock singer. Seems like he had a great hit in Italy with âHey Joeâ in 1967. Performed in Italian. Bye Bye Johnny [as âBie Bie Johnny!!!â] (1:40) 1966 LP: Lost And Found [Discoverix DSX-33001] Italy, 1991 Limited edition 500 copies. Previously unissued. I am always skeptical to such short versions. Itâs almost over before it starts. MAYBERRIES (UK) Rock sextet based in Mayfield, East Sussex fronted by lead singer John Murray. They play rockânâroll, blues and soul and are gigging in Mayfield and the surrounding area. They recorded some demo tracks back in July 2018. Little Queenie (3:22) 2022 70th Jubilee Edition for streaming on all platforms and a special You Tube video Yes I know, this is not the way this list usually goes. But this was recorded to celebrate the Queenâs Platinum Jubilee. The video was produced incorporating classic photographs and clips from the queenâs reign and artwork by local primary school children. And best of all, 100 per cent of the proceeds from the song will go to help seriously ill children from across the UK treated at Great Osmond Street Hospital. PETE MacDONALD & THE COUNTRY GENTLEMEN (Canada) Country music singer, songwriter and guitarist from Cape Breton, Nova Scotia. Leader of The Country Gentlemen. Memphis, Tennessee [as âMemphisâ] (2.17) 1968 LP: Pete MacDonald And The Country Gentlemen [Banff SBS-5330] â Canada, 1967 Recorded at Stereo Sound Studios, Montreal, P.Q. One side is instrumental and one side vocals (âMemphisâ). ALI McGREGOR (Australia) Born 1974 in Melbourne, Victoria. Soprano opera singer, actress and cabaret performer. Run Rudolph Run (3:22) 2015 CD: A Very Jazzamatazz Christmas [ABC Music (Universal) 4729008 ] â Australia, 2015 Canât say it sounded so very jazzy (unfortunately) despite featuring a horn section. More like a âsoulâ version except her voice is not. MEDECINâE (France) Rockânâroll quartet. Beautiful Delilah (2:06) 2004 CD: Rock Therapy [CaducĂ©e Records CD-004] â France, 2004 They also do âRoute 66â credited to Chuck Berry(!), sorry Bobby. MEFISTO (Czechoslovakia) See Volume 3, page 1359 (Mefistos) for biographical info. Also this blog for correct info regarding the band name. Rock And Roll Music (2:19) 2003 CD: Mefisto RockânâRoll Vol. 2 [Areca Multimedia AM 80215-2] â Czech Replublic, 2004 Johnny B. Goode ( : ) 1989 (live) 2 CD: Mefisto Stoy 1964-1992 [Saturn KK-0353-2] â Czech Replublic, 2011 Recorded live at KD Eden, Praha 26 October 1989. Here they also do a live version of the instrumental tribute âI Like Chuck Berryâ between Johnny B. and Queenie. Reelinâ And Rockinâ ( : ) 1992 (live) 2 CD: Mefisto Stoy 1964-1992 [Saturn KK-0353-2] â Czech Replublic, 2011 Recorded live at Letni Kino, Praha 3 May 1992. MEK & THE X-MAX PEKS (Denmark) Ole Ballund aka Mek Pek (vocals), Mika Vandborg (guitar), Kim Nekroman (bass), Jens Daugaard (drums). Run Rudolph Run (2:36) 2000 CD: Mek & The X.Mas Peks [Kick Music KICKCD-118] â Denmark, 2000 A little heavy rockabilly rendition of this classic. EDDIE MESA With THE HI-JACKS (Philippines) Eduardo de Mesa Eigenmann was born in 1940. As Eddie Mesa heâs known as a Filipino singer and actor. He was at a time famous as âthe Elvis Presley of the Philippinesâ because of his impersonation of the man. Later on he moved to the USA and eventually saw the light... Roll Over Beethoven (2:21) 1970 45: Scoop Records SP-116 â Philippines, 1970 RAPHAEL MEYNER & The Sleep Workers (West Germany) Roll Over Beethoven ( : ) 1971 45: Life Records St 71 310 â West Germany, 1971 Itâs not easy when you find absolutely nothing about this artist on the net. MIKO (Japan) Mieko Hirota, female singer who was born in Tokyo 1947, died in 2020. She was very popular and regarded as a dynamic and great singer. Her first album came in 1961 and sheâs had a lot of them throughout the years. Rock And Roll Music ( : ) 1971 2-LP: Rock Rock [Columbia JPW-37-38] â Japan, 1971 Not sure if she sings in English or Japanese on this one. MIRABELLO 3 (Italy) Pop trio, one girl, two boys. But they have additional musicians on board. Rock And Roll Music [Italian lyrics] (2:28) 1977 LP: Chi Porta GiĂč Questo Cane? [Intingo  ITLM-14501] â Italy, 1977 MIRROR IMAGE ( USA) Back In The USA (2:54) 1980 LP: Performs The Songs Of Linda Ronstadt [Pickwick SPC-3745] â USA, 1980 The more correct title here would have been Performs The Hits Of ⊠Anyway, if you look at the entry by Platinum Players on this blog performing Back In The USA, released on a Pickwick LP in â79, it wouldnât surprise me if it is actually the same version. Although I donât know for sure as I havenât heard either one. Do I really have to? MISSING MOONLIGHTERS (USA) Actually called The Moonlighters, who had an album out in 1977 and another in 1983. Country-rock group, led by vocalist and guitarist Bill Kirchen (page 1292). Let It Rock (3:36) mid 1980s (live) 2-CD: Live / Studio Closet Tapes [Globe Records GLO-037] â USA, 2008 All tracks are previously unissued. The studio ones were recorded at various places in California. And the live ones? Well it was recorded at various night clubs in the San Francisco Bay area, but nothing is mentioned when it happened? Irritating. However, âLet It Rockâ is a good country-rock version with solid bass and beat and after 2 minutes with an interesting interlude. âOh What A Thrillâ works just as good. You can listen to the entire album on You Tube. MISSING SOULS (France) Beat/soul band from Lyon. Ian Kapoudjian (guitar, vocals), Ricky Bilbao (organ, bass), Zaza Sharps (vocals, bass, tambourine), Lester Mizzi (drums). Iâm Talking About You (2:02) 2015 LP/CD: The Missing Souls [Dangerhouse Skylab DSL-009] â France, 2016 ELIZABETH MITCHELL (USA) Multi-instrumentalist, it seems she plays any kind of everything with a sound to it. Looking at the amount of musicians who participated on the album below, it would probably take a page. The whole album is aimed at children. School Day (3:43) 2006-2009 CD: Sunny Day [Smithsonian Folkways SFW CD-45064] â USA, 2010 Recorded 2006â2009 at On-Me Sound, Mount Tremper, New York. The vocals on the Berry track is by Charlotte Constan. Sheâs also singing on âMystery Trainâ, the other only rockânâroll song included on the album. Good education for children nevertheless. MOHAIR SWEETS (Canada) Colin Bryce, singer, songwriter, keyboardist, guitarist. Russ Kroeker ( bass) and Greg Gardner (drums). Bryce is regarded as being punk-rocker from the late â70s and from 1997-2007 the man behind Mohair Sweets print and webzine. As far as I can tell they have five CD EPs out from 2014-2018. You Never Can Tell ( : ) 2017 CD EP: The Ronnie Lane Tribute EP [Mohair Sweets Mohair #03] â Canada, 2017 Well, Ronnie Lane himself did perform this song on almost all of his concerts, so people connected to his music think it is a proper choice to include this Berry classic. (See Ronnie Lane on page 1305) MONTE CARLOS (USA) Country-rock quintet, Billy Cioffi (vocals, guitars), Michael Clark (vocals, keyboards), Philip Krawzak (saxophone), Will MacGregor (bass), Kirk Arthur Trachsel (drums). You Canât Catch Me (3:24) 1994 CD: Monte Carlos [B.T. Puppy Records BTP-055222-2] â USA, 1994 MONTROSE (USA) 1970s hard rock band from California led by founding member Ronnie Montrose. They had four albums out on Warner Bros. from 1973 to 1976. Roll Over Beethoven (3:39) 1974 2-CD: Paper Money [Warner Brothers R2 557788] â USA, 2017 (DeLuxe Edition) CD 1 is the original âPaper Moneyâ LP from 1974. CD 2 contains a previously unissued (incl. R.O.B.) KSAN Radio Session, Record Plant, Sausalito, California, 26 December 1974. MOODY BROTHERS (USA) We already have this group on the blog, however, I have added this new cover. Run Rudolph Run (2:43) 1987 CD: Home For The Holidays [Intersound Digital CHD-1502] â Canada, 1991 Recorded at Lamon Sound Studios, Charlotte, North Carolina in October 1987. GARY MOORE (UK) See Volume 3, page 1373 for biographical info. Thirty Days (3:15) 2007 (live) CD: Live At Bush Hall 2007 [Eagle Records ER-203672] â USA, 2014 This album was released all over EU, Australia and Japan. Later re-issued in EU on a 2-LP set in 2019. I like this live version better than the studio one. R. STEVIE MOORE (USA) Robert Steven Moore, born 1952 in Nashville. Son of Bob Moore, the famous studio bass player. Stevie is sometimes called the Godfather of Home Recording and one of the most recognized of the cassette underground. Rumor has it that he has Havana Moon (3:03) 2016 CD: Lids & Blankets: A Covers Collection Vol.1 [Stevie Moore self-released] â USA, 2016 Ok, but a little predictable and boring. MOTIFS (UK) Obscure Liverpool beat group active on Merseyside during the 1960s. A trio formed by former members of The Del Renas. All Aboard ( : ) 1963 Various CD: Beat Waves âCross The Mersey Vol. 2 [Merseyside Records Me-1002] â UK, 2012 Previously unissued. Recorded 1963, so this will have to be the very first cover of this rather obscure Berry song, first available on the âChuck Berry On Stageâ album that came out in England October 1963. Tuesday, January 10. 2023CBID - Sounding like Chuck Berry![]()
CBID is the Chuck Berry International Directory, a 2.200 page pile of Chuck Berry records information published in four volumes between 2008 and 2013. For details see the bibliography section of this site.
CBID is never complete as new records and CDs appear and some old rarities are discovered. This section presents interesting additions and corrections to CBID. Today: Here is a little info about newly discovered Soundalikes which are not mentioned in Volume 4: AC/DC (Australia) See Volume 3, page 1032 for biographical info. Rocker [Angus Young, Malcolm Young, Bon Scott] (2:54) 1975 CD: Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap [Atlantic K-50323] â UK, 1976 Well this is done in rapid speed, too rapid for my taste. Anyway, Berry guitar in both the rhythm section and solos, I am a rocker, Iâm a roller⊠The original Australian LP didnât include this track. MARC BRISTOL & The Shack Shakers (USA) Multi-instrumentalist, singer, songwriter and editor of fab-mag Blue Suede News, from Seattle. Regarding the soundalike below he says that he checked Vol.4 of CBID to see if this particular song was included, and said that he will have to wait for Vol.5 (itâll never happen!) But to compensate a little itâs finally here on this blog in four versions. Sorry for the delay Marc. Sucker For A Cheap Guitar (Marc Bristol) (3:29) 1989 MC: Fresh Rockabilly [Moon Record Company no cat. #] â USA, 1989 Record company out of Cleveland, Ohio. Sucker For A Cheap Guitar (Marc Bristol) (3:38) 1995 (live) CD: Rockabilly Rhythm & Blues [King Noodle KN-1015CD] â USA, 2003 Recorded live at the Tractor Tavern, Seattle, âRockabilly Hell Nightâ, 27 October â95. Both versions above has a very good rockabilly sound, maybe not so much Berry riffs but still very Berry in the verses. FILĂ GUMBO featuring MARC BRISTOL (USA) Sucker For A Cheap Guitar (Marc Bristol) (3:29) 1994 CD: Big Big Love [King Noodle KN-1012CD] â USA, 1994 Here it is zydeco music with washboard (by Marc Bristol) and accordion. Also recorded by Ronnie Dawson (see Vol. 4 page 1794) on the album âJust Rockinâ and Rollinââ Upstart Records CD-032 (USA) and No Hit Records NOHIT-019 (UK) 1996. A solid rockinâ version. GARY CLARK Jr. (USA) Vocalist, guitarist and actor, born 1984 in Austin, Texas. Travis Country [Gary Clark Jr.] (3:38) 2012 CD: Blak And Blu [Warner Records 531981-2] â USA, 2012 This is a direct influence of listening to Berryâs music. Berry rhythm and especially the guitar solo played by Clark himself. MOTT THE HOOPLE (UK) Glam rock band who was active from 1969. Original line-up: Ian Hunter (vocals), Mick Ralphs (guitar), Pete Watts (bass) and Dale Griffin (drums). Walkinâ With a Mountain [Ian Hunter] (3:52) 1970 CD: Mad Shadows [Island Records ILPS-9119] â UK, 1970 Berry guitar and beat, sounds a bit like The Rolling Stonesâ Jumpinâ Jack Flash, but more noise(!) They have also done this several times live. Monday, January 9. 2023CBID - A Tribute to a Tribute to Chuck Berry![]()
CBID is the Chuck Berry International Directory, a 2.200 page pile of Chuck Berry records information published in four volumes between 2008 and 2013. For details see the bibliography section of this site.
CBID is never complete as new records and CDs appear and some old rarities are discovered. This section presents interesting additions and corrections to CBID. Today: Chapter 14 lists musical tributes to Chuck Berry. This includes tribute albums on which his music represents a large part, and it includes tribute songs in which title, lyrics or story refer to the man's life or music. One of the tribute albums reported recently now got a tribute on its own. And a new album is full of Berry covers, though only for download. MIKE ZITO (USA) Mike Zito received two awards from The Blues Foundation in Memphis during Blues Music Awards 2021 for the album: AT THE HOP (Australia) Rock n Roll tribute quintet from New South Wales, formed in 2003. Johnny B. Goode / Roll Over Beethoven / Sweet Little Sixteen / Route 66 * / Maybellene / Rock And Roll Music / You Never Can Tell / Nadine / Run Rudolph Run / School Day / No Particular Place To Go / My Ding-A-Ling Johnny B. Goode âA Tribute To Chuck Berry (Talking Clive - OMP [One Media Publishing]) â 2012 They follow the Berry original arrangements as close as you could get, which is good but since youâve heard all the songs before by Berry himself itâs somewhat a disappointment. And they could have skipped âDing-A-Lingâ. The only really interesting cover is âRoute 66â which is very similar to Berryâs and not Stones. You donât hear that too often.
(Page 1 of 1, totaling 6 entries)
Main PageThis weblog is an addition to my Chuck Berry fansite called "A Collector's Guide to the Music of Chuck Berry" which describes all books and records of interest to everyone enjoying Chuck Berry's music. CategoriesWhat You MissedSome earlier but important entries:
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