CBID is the Chuck Berry International Directory, a 2.200 page pile of Chuck Berry records information published in four volumes between 2008 and 2013. For details
see the bibliography section of this site.CBID is never complete as new records and CDs appear and some old rarities are discovered. This section presents interesting additions and corrections to CBID.
Today: Universal Japan re-issued their Mini-LPs, some singles were found or newly released, there's a postcard from Poland, and some bootlegs of unknown origin.
In June 2017 following the death of Chuck Berry, Universal Japan re-issued their 2010 package of 16 original US Chess albums with bonus tracks (page 2007). All had new catalog numbers as follows:
AFTER SCHOOL SESSION - Universal (Chess) UICY-78357 • June 2017
ONE DOZEN BERRYS - Universal (Chess) UICY-78358 • June 2017
BERRY IS ON TOP - Universal (Chess) UICY-78359 • June 2017
ROCKIN’ AT THE HOPS - Universal (Chess) UICY-78360 • June 2017
NEW JUKE BOK HITS - Universal (Chess) UICY-78361 • June 2017
TWIST - Universal (Chess) UICY-78362 • June 2017
CHUCK BERRY ON STAGE - Universal (Chess) UICY-78363 • June 2017
ST. LOUIS TO LIVERPOOL - Universal (Chess) UICY-78364 • June 2017
CHUCK BERRY IN LONDON - Universal (Chess) UICY-78365 • June 2017
FRESH BERRY’S - Universal (Chess) UICY-78366 • June 2017
BACK HOME - Universal (Chess) UICY-78367 • June 2017
SAN FRANCISCO DUES - Universal (Chess) UICY-78368 • June 2017
LONDON SESSIONS - Universal (Chess) UICY-78369 • June 2017
BIO - Universal (Chess) UICY-78370 • June 2017
CHUCK BERRY - Universal (Chess) UICY-78371 • June 2017
HAIL! HAIL! ROCK’N’ROLL - Universal (Chess) UICY-78372 • June 2017
And in July 2017 Universal Japan finally released the 5 Mercury CD albums with the extra tracks that came out in the US in 1989 (pages 102-104). As with the 16 Chess albums each CD is packaged in a replica mini LP sleeve.
GOLDEN HITS - Universal UICY-78376 • July 2017
CHUCK BERRY IN MEMPHIS - Universal UICY-78377 • July 2017
LIVE AT THE FILLMORE AUDITORIUM - Universal UICY-78378 • July 2017
FROM ST. LOUIE TO FRISCO - Universal UICY-78379 • July 2017
CONCERTO IN B GOODE - Universal UICY-78380 • July 2017
Rock And Roll Music / Blue Feeling (instr)
Chess Golden Treasures CHGT-317X • 1986
The label says “Deep Feeling” but plays “Blue Feeling”.

Nadine / O’Rangutang (instr)
Chess Golden Treasures [Quality] CHGT-323X • 1986
“Nadine” is in stereo, and “O’Rangutang” is the complete three-minute version. This is astonishing as according to common belief the unabridged version was first released on a British CD in 1998. Further research then revealed that there was an even earlier release in the late 1960s. See the US single below.

Reelin’ And Rockin’ (1957) / My Ding-A-Ling (single edit)
Quality Gold Collection GC-337X • 1986
See pages 273 and 1993 for the other singles in this series regarding especially the year of all three releases, as the labels on the above singles say 1981.
Nadine / O’Rangutang (instr)
Chess 1883 (re-issue) • ca. 1967
The original 1964 release exists with three different labels. Page 29 shows these labeled first to third pressing, though it seems that these labels were used concurrently in different pressing plants. All had “Nadine” in mono and “O’Rangutang” faded at 2:18. On this light-blue label re-release “Nadine” is in stereo, and “O’Rangutang” is the complete three-minute take heard here for the first time!

Chess (Polygram) CH-50008 • 1972
Same cover as US album from 1971.
School Day / Sweet Little Sixteen
Demon CLASSIC 45001/3 • 2016
This is record no.3 in a series of 10 7” singles released as a box-set by Demon Records in the UK, titled “Rock ‘n’ Roll Classic 45s” Classic-45001. The two songs are the original classic Chess cuts. The other greats are Bill haley & His Comets, Buddy Holly, Eddie Cochran, Jerry Lee Lewis, Little Richard, The Everly Brothers, Carl Perkins, Fats Domino and Gene Vincent. Talking about the Golden Era of rock’n’roll from the ‘50s, two are missing, Elvis and Bo Diddley. They should have made 12.

Guitar Boogie (instr)
Poozówka Zwiekowa 45 rpm. • year unknown
Polish sound postcard, 15x11 cm, colour picture of flowers in a vase and the grooves pressed onto it. The card says it plays “Things I Used To Do” but it doesn’t.

These are two bootlegs which combine sides from past records including their original labels each.
Havana Moon / El Loco Cha Cha (Rene Touzet)
no label or number • 2017
This is a reissue combining Havana Moon (1956) by Berry on one side and El Loco Cha Cha (1955) by Rene Touzet on the other. It is advertised as being the roots of “Louie Louie”. The song by Rene Touzet has actually nothing to do with Havana Moon but the opening of El Loco Cha-Cha has something to do with Louie Louie. It has the same riff, so to speak.

You Can't Catch Me / The Downbound Train
no label or number • 2012
This is a repro (bootleg) since the two songs were not on the same single back then in '56. Anyway, there's no matrix numbers either, just the title on each side written by hand in the dead wax. I bought it from a seller in the UK so it was released in Europe, probably pressed in Kroatia or something like the Berry/Touzet one.