CBID is the Chuck Berry International Directory, a 2.200 page pile of Chuck Berry records information published in four volumes between 2008 and 2013. For details
see the bibliography section of this site.CBID is never complete as new records and CDs appear and some old rarities are discovered. This section presents interesting additions and corrections to CBID.
Today: a rarity from the UK
Marble Arch MALS-660 (white label) • January 1967
See page 176 for info.
Now this is the first time we have found a test pressing of any UK albums from the ‘60s. The label is pure white with Side 1 and Side 2 handwritten on each side. Very few test pressings of albums turn up so this is a rare treat for collectors. We can assume that the other Marble Arch albums might be around as test pressings also. And maybe others too. At least now we know they exists.

This is how the labels of the commercial release look like: