CBID is the Chuck Berry International Directory, a 2.200 page pile of Chuck Berry records information published in four volumes between 2008 and 2013. For details
see the bibliography section of this site.CBID is never complete as new records and CDs appear and some old rarities are discovered. This section presents interesting additions and corrections to CBID.
Today: a couple of interesting soundalikes to be added to the chapter on Chuck Berry soundalikes in Volume 4:
See Backstreet Girls, Volume 3, page 1054, and Volume 4, page 1766 for biographical info.
Go Jimmy Go (Petter Baarli-Bjørn Nilsen) 2014
CD: You Petter B. Goode [Voices of Wonder VOW-175CD] ? Norway, 2014
Just the title of this album is reason enough to be included. However, the song itself is Berry on high speed. Among the thank you’s on the sleeve are Chuck and AC/DC. It should give you an idea of the content on the 15 tracks album.

See Volume 3, page 1423 for biographical info.
Thirsty Ears (3:18) (Jack Lavin) 1979
45: Liberty/Capitol-EMI LT-1423 ? Canada, 1981
LP: Thirsty Ears [Liberty/Capitol-EMI LT-1105 ] ? Canada, 1981
CD: First Decade/Greatest Hits [WEA CD-71359] ? Canada, 1990
The song starts with that typical Johnny B. opening riff and almost sounds like a Berry song you haven’t heard before, except there’s a horn section in there.
The album reached platinum (200.000 copies) in the Summer of ‘81.
Note Their debut album ‘Uncut’ (1979) features the studio version of ‘What Have I Been Drinkin’’ but it doesn’t have that Berry feeling to it which the live version from 1983 has (Volume 4, page 1866).